June 28, 2013

New Yorker Magazine crosses the line of decency, and makes gays a target all over again!

Hey Peeps,
I'd like to thank the New Yorker magazine for setting LGBT and Gay Marriage BACK 50 YEARS!!!! The unbelievable use of Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street on their cover as some image associated with the gay marriage is UNFORGIVABLE!!!
I support LGBT issues and equality, but I DO NOT support this juvenile pandering by the New Yorker to invoke shock. Now everyone on the right is saying we are all perverts out to get to their children. THIS IS AWFUL!@!!
If you think this is WRONG, and the New Yorker should be boycotted, no matter what side of the gay marriage issue you are on, I think we ALL CAN AGREE to let the New Yorker know this is intolerable.
Please like this, link it, share it, comment, we all need to speak up on this!
Amy St Marie

June 20, 2013

June 18, 2013

Some thoughts about HRT

Hi Peeps,
Hey, I wanted to talk a little about HRT, as it is usually 'the' first biggie that TG's deal with, and it's easy to get excited and often a little impatient. Luckily things are much easier and much more accessible today than they were when I was first needing support, information, and HRT way back in the early 80's. Yes, I really AM that old!  LOL
Back then, in the 'best' scenario, you had to 'beg' for HRT letters from therapists, and when you got them, you then had to beg a doctor to take on your care. It was dismal, but it laid the groundwork for the much broader accessibility we all enjoy today, so I guess it was worth it (although I have to admit I wish it had been like this back when I was 19).
Nowadays, you don't even need a letter to get on HRT with a good doctor, and many doctors are focusing part, and sometimes all, of their practices to specifically care for the transgendered. To me, this is a beautiful thing.
When I was young, for many TG's the 'only' option ended up being black market hormones, something I do NOT condone. Back then it was often the only option, but today that is simply not the case. There is no need to risk your health, and to not be medically supervised while on HRT. You owe it to yourself to do this smart, to care for yourself. Find a doctor you like, and do this right, in the long run you will thank yourself.
But, if you insist on starting out self-medicating, here's a couple of thoughts:

June 16, 2013

Transgender Right To Live

So lately Transgender stories and news online have been generating a LOT of hateful comments, and here's my take on it.

So a lot of the most hateful and hurtful comments have been coming from self-proclaimed 'Conservative Texans'. One commenter even told another from Austin that 'Austinites' are also perverts and deviates, and all Texans despise them too!'. Wow !!  Harsh!!

So I was thinking. It seems that all the radical Islamist Jihadists (what Americans call 'terrorists') want to kill Americans because we don't think, believe, and live like they do. No other reasons, just that. Which makes me wonder, if 'Conservative Texans' (not my label, they called themselves that), if they want to kill the Transgender because we don't think, believe, and live like them, doesn't that make them terrorists as well? Do they think that Bible spawned hate is somehow more justified than the terrorists Koran (Quran?) spawned hate?

I just don't see how you can denounce one group of terrorists for attacking you, and then turn around and do the EXACT SAME THING to citizens of your OWN COUNTRY!!!

How do we ever expect to move forward as a SPECIES if we can't even see the hate in our own eyes?

Tell me what you think :)


June 12, 2013

Transgender right to live, don't hurt me!

Hi Peeps,
Okay so here's what I'm thinking....

If you don't like me, my looks, my attitudes and opinions, my lifestyle, whatever, that's fine, it's your right. But if this turns to hatred for me, to where you want to cause me harm, or even kill me, and you do this while still believing in a Christian God, I have just a couple things to say:

"Thou Shalt Not Kill".............. there is no shades of grey on this one

"Judgment is Mine sayeth the Lord".......... no shades here either

"To forgive is Divine"........... I might add it's also humane, civil, and just the right thing to do

Now if you believe in other gods, or no god at all, I still think these are great guidelines to live by. Anyway, be good to each other. Thoughts? Share :)

Amy Within

Distasteful Words thrown at Transgender

Okay just a quick thought. I don't like offensive labels and terms, BUT, if they reveal the harsh reality of a life event I've had, specifically the hateful things people have said to me, then I only include for accuracy. I will still never use profanity in posts.
The thing is that when your are TG, you learn early on about haters, what they think about you, and the terrible things they call you. Do I condone it? Absolutely NOT!!! Is it still a harsh reality of TG life? Unfortunately yes.
If you prefer I leave out the hurtful words that have been placed on me, let me know and I will modify the way I share my experiences.
Remember, I never use these words, but people use them on me.

Amy Within

June 11, 2013

LGBT - Divisions and Perceptions - My thoughts

In a world seemingly obsessed by labels, to me they don't matter, well, at all. But especially within the LGBT community, not only is everyone on the outside trying to label us, but even within our own ranks we label and separate each other.
Often you will find L/G's giving B's a hard time, saying they are confused, undecided, or too afraid to commit... sad. Not to imply that L's and G's unconditionally support each other either, because they don't. And then L/G/B's often all seem to be transphobic. Which leaves the T's, like me, feeling like we don't even get acceptance within our own communities. And we (the T's) don't really get to hate or label or separate, mainly because as T's, we are often L or G or B as well, so we would just be beating up 'ourselves'.
I just wish we could stand together more, as the one thing we all have in common for sure is that a large majority of the rest of the world HATES US! If we can't accept and help each other, what hope do we ever have of anyone else ever accepting us? Tolerance and understanding begin within :)

Have thoughts?  Please share...

Be Happy..... Next post on TG specific labels and terms (and I don't relate to ANY of them!  lol)

Until next time,
Amy Within

June 10, 2013

Thoughts of trangender life.... the haters

Ok peeps, here's a couple of thoughts about haters I have formed from many, many years of experience. Haters of the LGBT community in general, and in my case haters of the TG/TS specifically. Keep in my this is my opinion only, and I always welcome others views as well.

So in my life I have been exposed to basically 3 kinds of people that automatically choose to hate and judge me without knowing anything about me personally:

1) - The Religiously Righteous:  These people don't like me based on their religious convictions. Convinced I am some sort of abomination against their god, they want nothing to do with any of it! I have no problem with that, they can believe what they want. I would remind them that many of their own scriptures tell of judgment and vengeance being better left to their god, so let's leave it at that ok? If your god hates me, he will let me know, otherwise it has NOTHING to do with you.

2) - The Ignorantly Entrenched:   These people hate you just as much as the above, maybe more. The thing is that I don't think 'Ignorance' is a derogatory term. To me it implies that someone has the 'ability' to learn and comprehend new things, but they just haven't been exposed to the right information yet, for whatever reasons. These people when informed might remain haters, even more convinced they are right, but some will understand. They will see that what they thought and the actual facts were 2 different things, and they change their opinions of you. This latter change is a beautiful thing, the former mentioned 'informed' hater can be dangerous, beware.

TG Encounters of the third kind......

This is from a real life encounter, more than once actually. I will summarize a little to take in all the times it's happened and the slight variations of what people actually have said to me:

So while minding my own business one day, going towards the entrance of a building, a man comes up and says " Are you some kinda faggot?"

I react accordingly and say " Excuse me?"

"Well you were a guy and now you're a girl right? So you must be some kinda faggot changing to a girl just to be with men." he says.

Now although I was tempted to go off on Mr. Insightful, I maintained and replied:

"Well not that it's ANY of your business, but I will tell you EXACTLY what I am so that at least you can hate me from a more informed position. I was born a woman in a mans body, something I am fixing right now. Now you think that makes me a fag, which I assume means you still think I am a guy that wants to be with men (since even homophobes like you don't call 2 girls together fags, you call it entertainment). The thing is that I didn't want to sexually be with men when I looked like one on the outside, and I STILL don't want to be with men as a woman, I like WOMEN YOU IDIOT! Which in my eyes makes me a Lesbian, and in most peoples eyes makes me a Lesbian, but in your case since you still think I am a man, and I've made it clear that I like women, then that would make me heterosexual! Not a Fag!
So now that we've determined that nothing about my gender, sexuality or life has anything to do with your idea of faggots, then we are left with the only remaining truth, which is that you were walking around thinking about fags (more specifically homosexuality) before you ever saw me. Which begs the questions, were you hoping I was gay? Were you hoping to live vicariously through me? Do you have sexuality issues you are trying to transfer on me? Or do you just spew uneducated, uninformed, unfocused hate speak in every direction until you happen to run into someone that fits your vague criteria to deserve your hate?.........."