June 10, 2013

Thoughts of trangender life.... the haters

Ok peeps, here's a couple of thoughts about haters I have formed from many, many years of experience. Haters of the LGBT community in general, and in my case haters of the TG/TS specifically. Keep in my this is my opinion only, and I always welcome others views as well.

So in my life I have been exposed to basically 3 kinds of people that automatically choose to hate and judge me without knowing anything about me personally:

1) - The Religiously Righteous:  These people don't like me based on their religious convictions. Convinced I am some sort of abomination against their god, they want nothing to do with any of it! I have no problem with that, they can believe what they want. I would remind them that many of their own scriptures tell of judgment and vengeance being better left to their god, so let's leave it at that ok? If your god hates me, he will let me know, otherwise it has NOTHING to do with you.

2) - The Ignorantly Entrenched:   These people hate you just as much as the above, maybe more. The thing is that I don't think 'Ignorance' is a derogatory term. To me it implies that someone has the 'ability' to learn and comprehend new things, but they just haven't been exposed to the right information yet, for whatever reasons. These people when informed might remain haters, even more convinced they are right, but some will understand. They will see that what they thought and the actual facts were 2 different things, and they change their opinions of you. This latter change is a beautiful thing, the former mentioned 'informed' hater can be dangerous, beware.

3) - The Stupid:   Although their ideas and opinions are often identical to the 'ignorant' hater, they differ in one major area. Because even when they are presented with new information and facts, they simply lack the mental capacity to process the fact they might be wrong. A complete unwillingness to consider anything outside what they have thought their whole lives is common. It's unlikely you will ever change their opinion, and be very aware that their misplaced anger can be dangerous to everyone.

Well that's it for now, just food for thought. I will say that I wish no harm to any of these people for who they are, it's too bad that many of them wish me harm for who I am. Now who's out of control?....

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