Make Up & Fashion

Hi Peeps,
So, I thought I would share some things about makeup, fashion, things I like, and things that work for me. Obviously every girl is different, but I hope you find some info useful, or at least worth a grin.

I started out my first makeup experiences in the early 80's, a time when girls fashion and makeup styles were questionable at best. Remember Hair Bands? 'Nuff said !

Ah the days of spiderlike eyelashes, wearing enough eyeliner to make a raccoon jealous, eyeliner you always melted with a Bic lighter first! And do I even need to bring up Aqua Net? I didn't think so.

Oh come on girls, admit it, you know what I'm talking about, I can almost hear the giggles from here !

To say that resources were limited for us back then, to learn good makeup techniques, to find quality products, to experiment, were extremely limited. Thankfully today it has all changed, thousands of videos online showing all the pro's makeup tricks. And products are exponentially better now, yay !

Because most of us don't get the chance to transition in our teenage years, we are deprived those experiences, pushing the eyeliner too much in junior high, learning from other girls, to have a chance to do it all wrong in public, and still be forgiven merely by virtue of your youth. Ah the days.

The thing is, no matter how old you are when you first start transitioning, you are likely to make these same mistakes. It's okay, in a way it's the puberty you never got the first time around. You have to experiment to find your style, to learn what looks good on you, to know the difference between day makeup, and night makeup, just time to get comfortable in your own skin.
The main problems can often come from our own over eagerness. Sometimes in our efforts to distance ourselves from all things masculine, we go too far and end up hyper-feminizing to the point that we look like streetwalkers, or the headliner at a burlesque review. That's okay too, it's all part of the experience. Personally I try to keep my dramatic failures at home, but that's just me.
Bottom line, just because you 'can' wear something, doesn't mean you should.

The dramatic winged cat eye look is amazing, as are the many variations of the smoky eye, but neither are really appropriate when grabbing an egg sandwich at you favorite fast food place, or grabbing a burger at the local dive.
Those 6" stiletto heeled, snakeskin over-the-knee boots you have, probably not the best choice to hit the local 'Olive Garden' or 'TGIF's', but the 4" open toe strappy pumps you have, those can work.
The main thing for me I guess, is do your makeup and outfits to fit the environments you will be in, you can still have fun and experiment, just remember you can be pretty, and sexy, and girly, without being the center of attention.
But by all means, if you want to rock those boots and a mini at 6 am while hitting the local pancake emporium, I support your right to do so !  :)

That's about it for now, next posts will be about makeup specifics, I promise :)
Be happy girls, and own it!

Amy Within                                    

  'It takes a lot of money to look this cheap'..... Dolly Parton

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