Lighter Fare

Okay Peeps,
   Me again, RL's been a little crazy lately, but wanted to share a little something. Sometimes when my life and fate seem to conspire against me, and I want to scream, I try to pull myself back a little and find a reason to laugh. So here's a couple things that popped in my crazy brain recently.

    While pondering the intelligence of the human race, it occurred to me:

    There has been water on the Earth for billions of years, but it took the brilliant human to figure out a way to bottle it and give it an EXPIRATION DATE !

    Humans invented the cell, or mobile phone, an amazing convenience. But that wasn't enough, because we decided that actually 'talking' to each other on them was just too easy. So we invented text messaging. Now we could type to each other, on tiny little keyboards, on the device that still allowed us to talk !

But wait, even though we became a text obsessed society, many yearned for a simpler way. If only they could use this darn mobile device without having to type on it. Apparently having forgotten that the device was still indeed a PHONE, a brilliant solution was found.

An App, or Application, an amazing thing that now added new features to our, well for lack of a better word, PHONES ! And what did this magical App do? Simple, it allowed you to actually 'talk' into your phone ( I know, crazy talk, lol ), but then it converts our voice into... wait for it... TEXT ! And then it sends it off just as if you had 'typed' it, AMAZING!

Only thing, is that the person you sent your magic converted text message too, is also lazy, and uses an App to convert your text into..... wait for it........ awww you guessed it...... VOICE ! INGENIOUS !

Do you mean we can actually TALK on these things again? Why yes, it seems we can, although we can't talk in real time because our Apps need time to convert. If only this damn thing was a phone too. Oh well, guess we will have to settle for this, at least we are using our voices. It's fun, almost like having the ability to leave a voice message......

Welcome to my madness peeps, hope you smiled :)
Share it, Comment, +1, just hit me (not literally, lol)

Amy Within

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